"Wagnerians" are already involved in aggression against Ukraine - Ministry of Defense MID

"Wagnerians" are already involved in aggression against Ukraine - Ministry of Defense MID

The mercenaries of the private military company Liga and Wagner are already taking part in military operations in Ukraine, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.


"By replenishing the reserves of the occupation troops, Russia attracts mercenaries of private military companies to combat operations. In particular, it is known that mercenaries of the Liga PMC (Wagner PMC) are already involved in combat operations in Ukraine as part of the army of the aggressor," the Facebook page of the Ministry of Defense Main Intelligence Directorate said on Tuesday.


This is evidenced by the badges of the killed occupants, some of them were produced for use during military operations in Syria and contained inscriptions in Arabic, English and French. Syrian telephone numbers were also found.


The mercenaries of the private military company Liga and Wagner are already taking part in military operations in Ukraine, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.


"By replenishing the reserves of the occupation troops, Russia attracts mercenaries of private military companies to combat operations. In particular, it is known that mercenaries of the Liga PMC (Wagner PMC) are already involved in combat operations in Ukraine as part of the army of the aggressor," the Facebook page of the Ministry of Defense Main Intelligence Directorate said on Tuesday.


This is evidenced by the badges of the killed occupants, some of them were produced for use during military operations in Syria and contained inscriptions in Arabic, English and French. Syrian telephone numbers were also found.


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