Ukraine and the Netherlands to organize embassy-based business missions

Ukraine and the Netherlands to organize embassy-based business missions

The Ukrainian-Dutch agreement on the organization of business missions will contribute to the opening of new areas of interstate cooperation, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said after a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, who arrived in Ukraine on a visit.


"We appreciate consistent support of the Netherlands as one of the largest investors in Ukrainian economy. Our agreement on the organization of business missions will not only increase the volume of investments, but will also open new areas of cooperation with the Netherlands," Shmygal wrote on Twitter.



According to the press service of the government, business missions will be organized on the basis of embassies with the participation of officials.


"For our part, we will organize a similar business mission to the Kingdom of the Netherlands in order to find points of contact in areas of interest to both sides," - said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Mark Rutte, in turn, said that the Kingdom of the Netherlands as one of the largest investor countries is ready to further cooperate and support Ukraine.


Shmygal said that Ukraine is looking for support in the development of the Armed Forces and cooperation in the defense sector, and thanked the Netherlands for supporting the decision to allocate 31 million euros for the current needs of the AFU within the framework of the European Peace Fund.


In addition, the heads of government discussed the investigation into the MH17 case.


"Denis Shmygal stressed that Ukraine confirms taking all necessary measures for the proper consideration of claims against Russia in the ECHR. Ukraine also fully supports the position of the Netherlands on the need to honor and commemorate the victims of the catastrophe," the statement reads.

The Ukrainian-Dutch agreement on the organization of business missions will contribute to the opening of new areas of interstate cooperation, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said after a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, who arrived in Ukraine on a visit.


"We appreciate consistent support of the Netherlands as one of the largest investors in Ukrainian economy. Our agreement on the organization of business missions will not only increase the volume of investments, but will also open new areas of cooperation with the Netherlands," Shmygal wrote on Twitter.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="uk" dir="ltr">Привітав в Україні ПМ Марка Рютте <a href="">@MinPres</a>. Ми цінуємо послідовну підтримку Нідерландів як одного з найбільших інвесторів в економіку. Наша домовленість про організацію бізнес-місій не лише збільшить обсяги інвестицій, але й відкриє нові напрямки співпраці. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Denys Shmyhal (@Denys_Shmyhal) <a href="">February 2, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


According to the press service of the government, business missions will be organized on the basis of embassies with the participation of officials.


"For our part, we will organize a similar business mission to the Kingdom of the Netherlands in order to find points of contact in areas of interest to both sides," - said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Mark Rutte, in turn, said that the Kingdom of the Netherlands as one of the largest investor countries is ready to further cooperate and support Ukraine.


Shmygal said that Ukraine is looking for support in the development of the Armed Forces and cooperation in the defense sector, and thanked the Netherlands for supporting the decision to allocate 31 million euros for the current needs of the AFU within the framework of the European Peace Fund.


In addition, the heads of government discussed the investigation into the MH17 case.


"Denis Shmygal stressed that Ukraine confirms taking all necessary measures for the proper consideration of claims against Russia in the ECHR. Ukraine also fully supports the position of the Netherlands on the need to honor and commemorate the victims of the catastrophe," the statement reads.