Draft law on military police: what powers will the agency have

Draft law on military police: what powers will the agency have

A draft law on military police has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. The draft law provides that the police will be able to block the movement of military vehicles, search them, check people's documents, and enter their homes.

In addition, according to the draft law, military personnel, conscripts and reservists will be able to be detained and held at guardhouses during their assembly.

The military police will have the right to stop military vehicles or vehicles with persons in uniform with signs of mental disorder, alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication, or in violation of traffic rules.

And in case of breaking into the house, the military police will have to immediately notify the pre-trial investigation body and the prosecutor's office.

This agency will also be obliged to fight against the DRG, protect military facilities, facilitate the evacuation of the population, and restore order in military units.

It should be noted that these powers are currently vested in the Military Law Enforcement Service, but under the new law it will be liquidated within 3 months.

A draft law on military police has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. The draft law provides that the police will be able to block the movement of military vehicles, search them, check people's documents, and enter their homes.

In addition, according to the draft law, military personnel, conscripts and reservists will be able to be detained and held at guardhouses during their assembly.

The military police will have the right to stop military vehicles or vehicles with persons in uniform with signs of mental disorder, alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication, or in violation of traffic rules.

And in case of breaking into the house, the military police will have to immediately notify the pre-trial investigation body and the prosecutor's office.

This agency will also be obliged to fight against the DRG, protect military facilities, facilitate the evacuation of the population, and restore order in military units.

It should be noted that these powers are currently vested in the Military Law Enforcement Service, but under the new law it will be liquidated within 3 months.