Explosion and fire in occupied Berdyansk: head of local administration reports incident

Explosion and fire in occupied Berdyansk: head of local administration reports incident

According to the head of the Berdyansk military administration, Victoria Galitsyna, an explosion occurred in the evening of May 2 in the temporarily occupied Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhia region, which caused a large fire. According to her, the incident occurred in the Kolonia neighborhood.



Galitsyna also added that there is no official information about the cause of the fire, and further explanations are expected.

The network informs that in the area where the fire occurred, there is the Dormash plant, which was previously used by the Russians to repair military equipment.

According to the head of the Berdyansk military administration, Victoria Galitsyna, an explosion occurred in the evening of May 2 in the temporarily occupied Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhia region, which caused a large fire. According to her, the incident occurred in the Kolonia neighborhood.


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Galitsyna also added that there is no official information about the cause of the fire, and further explanations are expected.

The network informs that in the area where the fire occurred, there is the Dormash plant, which was previously used by the Russians to repair military equipment.