Kerch bridge was damaged by rocket fuel explosion: Russian investigators' investigation

Kerch bridge was damaged by rocket fuel explosion: Russian investigators' investigation

According to the Russian publication Kommersant, in October 2022, the Kerch Bridge was blown up by an improvised explosive device with an equivalent capacity of 10 tons of TNT.

The explosive device contained solid rocket fuel, which was hidden in a reel of polyethylene film. The Russian investigation indicates that the explosion was organized by the Security Service of Ukraine.

Investigators found that the film containing the explosive device was transported from Odesa to Ruse and then through Georgia to Yerevan. During the transportation of the film across the border, complex maneuvers were used to evade the attention of security forces.

The explosive used for the detonation was probably a foreign-made hexogen-based explosive. The detonator was hidden under the film and was activated by a GPS signal at a certain point along the route.

As a result of the explosion, two spans of the bridge collapsed and 17 tank cars of the freight train were damaged.

The Russian Investigative Committee continues to investigate this incident.

According to the Russian publication Kommersant, in October 2022, the Kerch Bridge was blown up by an improvised explosive device with an equivalent capacity of 10 tons of TNT.

The explosive device contained solid rocket fuel, which was hidden in a reel of polyethylene film. The Russian investigation indicates that the explosion was organized by the Security Service of Ukraine.

Investigators found that the film containing the explosive device was transported from Odesa to Ruse and then through Georgia to Yerevan. During the transportation of the film across the border, complex maneuvers were used to evade the attention of security forces.

The explosive used for the detonation was probably a foreign-made hexogen-based explosive. The detonator was hidden under the film and was activated by a GPS signal at a certain point along the route.

As a result of the explosion, two spans of the bridge collapsed and 17 tank cars of the freight train were damaged.

The Russian Investigative Committee continues to investigate this incident.