It's impossible to piss off the angry and save face for someone who doesn't want it himself: Zelensky about the Russian Federation

It's impossible to piss off the angry and save face for someone who doesn't want it himself: Zelensky about the Russian Federation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that it is impossible to anger Russia, which is already enraged, and added that the aggressor country itself does not want to "save face," because it lost it long ago. He said this while speaking to students at Australian universities. Representatives from 20 institutions joined the meeting.


"Every day the world is shocked by new reports of new Russian crimes - this should not become commonplace for the world because it means that the world has come to terms with it. Many people were and probably still are concerned about acting delicately and not draining russia regarding russia's ability to save face. By now it should be obvious to everyone - none of this matters. It is impossible to piss off the infuriated, it is impossible to save face for someone who does not want it himself," Zelensky said.


According to him, the Russian Federation openly demonstrates this to all states - for the 161st day in a row.


"Now it is important not to forget any of them. The world always talks about Russia's actions only in the context of their latest, so to speak, actual atrocity. Now the world must finally put it all together and realize. Those who want to save face do not wipe out peaceful towns and villages, do not shell them with multiple rocket launchers every day and night. They do not fire cruise missiles into residential buildings, they do not fire cluster shells or phosphorus bombs into residential neighborhoods. Doesn't fire rockets at the train station... Doesn't fire rockets at the center of Vinnitsa, where hundreds of people were just walking around. Doesn't fire rockets into a shopping mall in Kremenchug, where hundreds of people were buying food or things. Not dropping bombs on maternity homes and hospitals, on kindergartens, schools, universities... He who wants to save face does not commit thousands of war crimes and crimes against humanity," Zelensky noted.


The president noted that he who has lost his mind, heart, conscience, dignity and everything human in general - he does not seek to save face.


"At least because he lost it a long time ago. Today's Russia lost its face long ago. It happened not yesterday, not the day before yesterday, and not last week. It's just been confirmed once again, for once again the world has seen what's hiding under the mask of supposed peacemaker that Russia has been trying to wear for years. It's a different mask. With a slit for the eyes and mouth, the mask that terrorists wear," said Zelensky.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that it is impossible to anger Russia, which is already enraged, and added that the aggressor country itself does not want to "save face," because it lost it long ago. He said this while speaking to students at Australian universities. Representatives from 20 institutions joined the meeting.


"Every day the world is shocked by new reports of new Russian crimes - this should not become commonplace for the world because it means that the world has come to terms with it. Many people were and probably still are concerned about acting delicately and not draining russia regarding russia's ability to save face. By now it should be obvious to everyone - none of this matters. It is impossible to piss off the infuriated, it is impossible to save face for someone who does not want it himself," Zelensky said.


According to him, the Russian Federation openly demonstrates this to all states - for the 161st day in a row.


"Now it is important not to forget any of them. The world always talks about Russia's actions only in the context of their latest, so to speak, actual atrocity. Now the world must finally put it all together and realize. Those who want to save face do not wipe out peaceful towns and villages, do not shell them with multiple rocket launchers every day and night. They do not fire cruise missiles into residential buildings, they do not fire cluster shells or phosphorus bombs into residential neighborhoods. Doesn't fire rockets at the train station... Doesn't fire rockets at the center of Vinnitsa, where hundreds of people were just walking around. Doesn't fire rockets into a shopping mall in Kremenchug, where hundreds of people were buying food or things. Not dropping bombs on maternity homes and hospitals, on kindergartens, schools, universities... He who wants to save face does not commit thousands of war crimes and crimes against humanity," Zelensky noted.


The president noted that he who has lost his mind, heart, conscience, dignity and everything human in general - he does not seek to save face.


"At least because he lost it a long time ago. Today's Russia lost its face long ago. It happened not yesterday, not the day before yesterday, and not last week. It's just been confirmed once again, for once again the world has seen what's hiding under the mask of supposed peacemaker that Russia has been trying to wear for years. It's a different mask. With a slit for the eyes and mouth, the mask that terrorists wear," said Zelensky.