Occupiers are told directly that the way home is only as "200th" or "300th": Invaders are more willing to surrender - SBU

Occupiers are told directly that the way home is only as "200th" or "300th": Invaders are more willing to surrender - SBU

The Russian leadership returns its soldiers home either in a coffin or with wounds. That is why they more willingly began to surrender, the SBU reported.


"The Russian leadership returns its soldiers home either in a coffin or with wounds. To escape from the war in Ukraine in another way the invaders can only through captivity. Therefore, now they surrender even more willingly than in the first weeks," the SBU said in a report.


This, as pointed out in the SBU, said the captive Russian occupiers.


"Wanted to leave the unit, on their own. Terminate the contract, in a word. To which the commander told us that we would only leave with "two hundred" or "three hundred." If we try to escape, everything will be mined. And our own checkpoints will shoot at us," they tell the SBU.


As noted, this batch of occupants was captured after the counteroffensive of the AFU in the Kharkiv region, when the Ukrainian fighters took them into the ring.


"Now the SBU investigators are working with them, and the captors themselves are glad that they kept their lives. For those Russians who also want to stay alive, we remind you of the phone number specially created for such cases: 2402. It is available for Ukrainian and Russian operators", - added in the SBU.


The Russian leadership returns its soldiers home either in a coffin or with wounds. That is why they more willingly began to surrender, the SBU reported.


"The Russian leadership returns its soldiers home either in a coffin or with wounds. To escape from the war in Ukraine in another way the invaders can only through captivity. Therefore, now they surrender even more willingly than in the first weeks," the SBU said in a report.


This, as pointed out in the SBU, said the captive Russian occupiers.


"Wanted to leave the unit, on their own. Terminate the contract, in a word. To which the commander told us that we would only leave with "two hundred" or "three hundred." If we try to escape, everything will be mined. And our own checkpoints will shoot at us," they tell the SBU.


As noted, this batch of occupants was captured after the counteroffensive of the AFU in the Kharkiv region, when the Ukrainian fighters took them into the ring.


"Now the SBU investigators are working with them, and the captors themselves are glad that they kept their lives. For those Russians who also want to stay alive, we remind you of the phone number specially created for such cases: 2402. It is available for Ukrainian and Russian operators", - added in the SBU.


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