10,802 cases of COVID-19 in 24 hours

10,802 cases of COVID-19 in 24 hours

Ukraine has already registered 3.22 million cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19, an increase of almost 11 thousand a day, November 14. There were 764 children and 132 health workers among the sick people during the day.


About 2.8 thousand people were hospitalized. This is reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


"During the day on November 14 in Ukraine recorded 10,802 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19," - reported in the Ministry of Health.


Also over the past 24 hours:

- hospitalized - 2 798 people;

- fatal cases - 442;

- 11,219 people recovered.


During the entire pandemic in Ukraine:

- 3,228,441 people fell ill;

- 2,642,459 people recovered;

- 77 147 deaths;

- PCR tests were conducted - 15 246 974.


During the last 24 hours the largest number of confirmed cases was registered in Dnepropetrovsk (987), Odessa (901), Nikolaev (844), Kharkiv (829) and Zaporizhzhya (737) regions.


Among all regions of Ukraine, only Kirovograd and Ternopil oblasts have hospitalization rates within the norm.


As of Monday morning, more than 254 million people worldwide have been sickened by the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.


Ukraine has already registered 3.22 million cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19, an increase of almost 11 thousand a day, November 14. There were 764 children and 132 health workers among the sick people during the day.


About 2.8 thousand people were hospitalized. This is reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


"During the day on November 14 in Ukraine recorded 10,802 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19," - reported in the Ministry of Health.


Also over the past 24 hours:

- hospitalized - 2 798 people;

- fatal cases - 442;

- 11,219 people recovered.


During the entire pandemic in Ukraine:

- 3,228,441 people fell ill;

- 2,642,459 people recovered;

- 77 147 deaths;

- PCR tests were conducted - 15 246 974.


During the last 24 hours the largest number of confirmed cases was registered in Dnepropetrovsk (987), Odessa (901), Nikolaev (844), Kharkiv (829) and Zaporizhzhya (737) regions.


Among all regions of Ukraine, only Kirovograd and Ternopil oblasts have hospitalization rates within the norm.


As of Monday morning, more than 254 million people worldwide have been sickened by the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.


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