A new sad record – 18,881 COVID-19 patients per day

A new sad record – 18,881 COVID-19 patients per day

In Ukraine, 2.597 million cases of COVID-19 have been recorded, for the day, October 13 – 18.8 thousand new patients.


Among the registered children – 1748, medical workers – 368. 4.6 thousand people were hospitalized per day. This was reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


«In total for the day of October 13, 2021 in Ukraine recorded 18,881 new confirmed cases of coronavirus COVID-19,» - said the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


Also for the past day:

 - hospitalized – 4633 people;

 - fatalities – 412;

 - recovered – 7630 people.


During the whole pandemic in Ukraine:

 - 2,597,275 people became ill;

 - 2,311,991 people recovered;

- fatalities – 59,935,

 - PCR tests – 13,442,985.



Also, according to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in the country 17 oblasts correspond to the «orange» zone of epidemic danger due to the high level of hospitalizations with COVID-19, the load of oxygen beds and the increased detection rate of infections.








In Ukraine, 2.597 million cases of COVID-19 have been recorded, for the day, October 13 – 18.8 thousand new patients.


Among the registered children – 1748, medical workers – 368. 4.6 thousand people were hospitalized per day. This was reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


«In total for the day of October 13, 2021 in Ukraine recorded 18,881 new confirmed cases of coronavirus COVID-19,» - said the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


Also for the past day:

 - hospitalized – 4633 people;

 - fatalities – 412;

 - recovered – 7630 people.


During the whole pandemic in Ukraine:

 - 2,597,275 people became ill;

 - 2,311,991 people recovered;

- fatalities – 59,935,

 - PCR tests – 13,442,985.


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Also, according to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in the country 17 oblasts correspond to the «orange» zone of epidemic danger due to the high level of hospitalizations with COVID-19, the load of oxygen beds and the increased detection rate of infections.