Head of the Ground Forces Training Command of the AFU Viktor Nikoliuk announces his resignation

Head of the Ground Forces Training Command of the AFU Viktor Nikoliuk announces his resignation

Major General Viktor Nikoliuk has announced that he is resigning from his post as commander of the training of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He posted a message on Facebook.

According to Nikoliuk, he plans to lead one of the formations and one of the frontline directions.

"New challenges, new tests, new victories. The present time requires every Ukrainian, especially the military, to make maximum and greater efforts to defeat the Russian enemy. And I plan to do all this by leading one of the formations and one of the directions of front," he wrote.

Nikoliuk was the commander of the operational command "North", and Brigadier General Dmytro Krasilnikov became the new commander of the direction.


Major General Viktor Nikoliuk has announced that he is resigning from his post as commander of the training of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He posted a message on Facebook.

According to Nikoliuk, he plans to lead one of the formations and one of the frontline directions.

"New challenges, new tests, new victories. The present time requires every Ukrainian, especially the military, to make maximum and greater efforts to defeat the Russian enemy. And I plan to do all this by leading one of the formations and one of the directions of front," he wrote.

Nikoliuk was the commander of the operational command "North", and Brigadier General Dmytro Krasilnikov became the new commander of the direction.


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