This morning, an unidentified aerial object entered Polish airspace, - the Armed Forces Command (UPDATED)

This morning, an unidentified aerial object entered Polish airspace, - the Armed Forces Command (UPDATED)

On Friday morning, December 29, an unidentified flying object entered Polish airspace from Ukraine, the Operational Command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland reported.

"In the morning, an unidentified aerial object entered the airspace of the Republic of Poland from the border with Ukraine, which was observed by the country's air defense radars from the moment it crossed the border until the signal disappeared. In accordance with the current procedure, the operational commander of the Armed Forces mobilized the available forces and means," the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces said in a statement.

According to local media reports, the object, which was moving at high speed, was observed by residents of the Dołhobyczów Commune in Województwo lubelskie. The area around Przewodów is where a rocket that came from Ukraine exploded a year ago. This village is located 7 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.





Polish President Duda said he called an urgent meeting with the military leadership due to the violation of airspace by an unidentified object.


On Friday morning, December 29, an unidentified flying object entered Polish airspace from Ukraine, the Operational Command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland reported.

"In the morning, an unidentified aerial object entered the airspace of the Republic of Poland from the border with Ukraine, which was observed by the country's air defense radars from the moment it crossed the border until the signal disappeared. In accordance with the current procedure, the operational commander of the Armed Forces mobilized the available forces and means," the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces said in a statement.

According to local media reports, the object, which was moving at high speed, was observed by residents of the Dołhobyczów Commune in Województwo lubelskie. The area around Przewodów is where a rocket that came from Ukraine exploded a year ago. This village is located 7 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="pl" dir="ltr">W godzinach porannych w przestrzeń powietrzną RP od strony granicy z Ukrainą wleciał niezidentyfikowany obiekt powietrzny, który od momentu przekroczenia granicy, aż do miejsca zaniku sygnału obserwowany był przez środki radiolokacyjne systemu obrony powietrznej kraju.<br>Zgodnie z… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dowództwo Operacyjne (@DowOperSZ) <a href="">December 29, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>




Polish President Duda said he called an urgent meeting with the military leadership due to the violation of airspace by an unidentified object.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="pl" dir="ltr">Prezydent <a href="">@AndrzejDuda</a> rozmawiał telefonicznie z Szefem <a href="">@MON_GOV_PL</a>.<br><br>W <a href="">@BBN_PL</a> odbędzie się dziś o 13.00 pilne spotkanie z Ministrem <a href="">@KosiniakKamysz</a>, Szefem <a href="">@SztabGenWP</a> gen. <a href="">@wieslawkukula</a> oraz Dowódcą <a href="">@DowOperSZ</a> gen. dyw. Maciejem Kliszem. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Kancelaria Prezydenta (@prezydentpl) <a href="">December 29, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>