Rocket attack on Kramatorsk train station: more casualties, international reaction, Ukraine opens proceedings, Russia denies involvement

Rocket attack on Kramatorsk train station: more casualties, international reaction, Ukraine opens proceedings, Russia denies involvement

As a result of the shelling by Russian troops of the railway station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 39 people were killed and 89 wounded, the head of the Donetsk OVA, Pavel Kirilenko, said.


European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel condemned the Russian military rocket attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, which killed dozens of people. Borrel wrote this on his Twitter.


"I strongly condemn this morning's indiscriminate Russian attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, which killed dozens of people and injured many. This is yet another attempt to close escape routes for those fleeing this unjustified war and suffering," Borrel wrote.



Meanwhile, an investigation has been launched into the missile attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. This was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General.


According to the investigation, on April 8, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces, in violation of international humanitarian law, carried out a missile strike on the Kramatorsk railway station.


At the time of the strike, the population was being evacuated and there were about 4,000 civilians at the station, most of them women and children.


The prosecutor's office opened a pre-trial investigation into the violation of laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code).


The Russian Defense Ministry, expectedly wrote that: "All statements by representatives of the Kiev nationalist regime about Russia's alleged 'missile attack' on the railway station in the city of Kramatorsk on April 8 are a provocation and absolutely untrue. The Russian armed forces did not have and were not planning any firing missions in the city of Kramatorsk on April 8. We should especially emphasize that the Tochka-U tactical missiles, the wreckage of which was found near the railway station in Kramatorsk and published by eyewitnesses, are used only by the Ukrainian armed forces".


That is, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the Russian military does not use Point-U missiles.


At the same time, investigators from the opposition Russian resource Conflict Intelligence Team said back on March 6 that Russia had returned to using this type of missiles.

The Telegram channel "Typical Donetsk" at 10:25 a.m. recorded the launch of two missiles. According to the community, they were launched from Shakhtersk (territory controlled by the so-called "DPR").


The Russian side assures that it was the air defense system working on the air target.


However, on his Facebook, Oleksiy Arestovich, an advisor to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, notes that strikes like the one the Rascists carried out today on the train station in Kramatorsk are preceded by a thorough reconnaissance of the target.


"One must understand that such strikes are preceded by a thorough reconnaissance of the target, at least UAVs, spotters on the ground - too expensive missile and too difficult and risky to organize such strikes," Arestovich wrote.


According to him, "the orcs saw perfectly well that they were hitting civilians, that there were thousands of people at the station at that time trying to evacuate, families, children, the elderly."


As a result of the shelling by Russian troops of the railway station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 39 people were killed and 89 wounded, the head of the Donetsk OVA, Pavel Kirilenko, said.


European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel condemned the Russian military rocket attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, which killed dozens of people. Borrel wrote this on his Twitter.


"I strongly condemn this morning's indiscriminate Russian attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, which killed dozens of people and injured many. This is yet another attempt to close escape routes for those fleeing this unjustified war and suffering," Borrel wrote.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I strongly condemn this morning’s indiscriminate attack against a train station in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Kramatorsk</a> by Russia, which killed dozens of people and left many more wounded. This is yet another attempt to close escape routes for those fleeing this unjustified war and cause human suffering</p>&mdash; Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) <a href="">April 8, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Meanwhile, an investigation has been launched into the missile attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. This was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General.


According to the investigation, on April 8, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces, in violation of international humanitarian law, carried out a missile strike on the Kramatorsk railway station.


At the time of the strike, the population was being evacuated and there were about 4,000 civilians at the station, most of them women and children.


The prosecutor's office opened a pre-trial investigation into the violation of laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code).


The Russian Defense Ministry, expectedly wrote that: "All statements by representatives of the Kiev nationalist regime about Russia's alleged 'missile attack' on the railway station in the city of Kramatorsk on April 8 are a provocation and absolutely untrue. The Russian armed forces did not have and were not planning any firing missions in the city of Kramatorsk on April 8. We should especially emphasize that the Tochka-U tactical missiles, the wreckage of which was found near the railway station in Kramatorsk and published by eyewitnesses, are used only by the Ukrainian armed forces".


That is, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the Russian military does not use Point-U missiles.


At the same time, investigators from the opposition Russian resource Conflict Intelligence Team said back on March 6 that Russia had returned to using this type of missiles.

The Telegram channel "Typical Donetsk" at 10:25 a.m. recorded the launch of two missiles. According to the community, they were launched from Shakhtersk (territory controlled by the so-called "DPR").


The Russian side assures that it was the air defense system working on the air target.


However, on his Facebook, Oleksiy Arestovich, an advisor to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, notes that strikes like the one the Rascists carried out today on the train station in Kramatorsk are preceded by a thorough reconnaissance of the target.


"One must understand that such strikes are preceded by a thorough reconnaissance of the target, at least UAVs, spotters on the ground - too expensive missile and too difficult and risky to organize such strikes," Arestovich wrote.


According to him, "the orcs saw perfectly well that they were hitting civilians, that there were thousands of people at the station at that time trying to evacuate, families, children, the elderly."


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